Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I just want to say something about how I feel about something

Hi again it's me Tara, you know what's on my mind today? Well what I'm thinking about today is how good it is to share the things you have inside of you. Your talents and gifts and other good things you may have inside of you to shaare. I have some bead bracelets I made and I'm going to pass them out next time I see some sailors. They come to the island sometimes and I like to give them things. Sometims they try to offer me payment but I say "no thanx! Sailors!" Because I want to give. I have another source of income that keeps me steady. But my treehouse is paid off so I really don't have any overhead except food and that's easy here on the island!

I need to keep sharing and pass out all I can. I just can't recieve payment for it. I don't want to market my jewelry because it's a gift. However I do think maybe someday I can sell my jewelry line to somebody else and they can profit off of it. And even then I have to give the money away I can't keep it. Does this bore you? I'm sorry but isn't that what bloggings are for>